Viewqwest TV 4K & Freedom VPN, Now Available to All

Viewqwest TV 4K
Not long ago, Viewqwest launched an updated Viewqwest TV media box which was met with a lukewarm reception. The main problem was that it lacked 4K capability, at a time when companies like Netflix announced they they were going to launch 4K streaming soon.
It looks like they’ve come to their senses though, as they’ve finally announced the Viewqwest TV 4K, an android media box that supports 4k streaming out of the box.
With a dedicated 8 Core GPU and built-in 3D graphics acceleration, the android based ViewQwest TV 4K media player allows you to stream high definition videos up to full 4k resolution (3840×2160) at 30fps from a plethora of content providers, all easily attainable from the Google Play store.
Freedom VPN for All Singaporean Broadband Users
The other good news? Freedom VPN, Viewqwest’s hassle free plug-n-play VPN service, is also available to all Singaporean broadband users, even if they don’t have Viewqwest as their internet service provider!
All you need to do is buy the new ViewQwest TV 4K which also comes with a year’s subscription for Freedom VPN. The normal price for the box is S$299.
Presumably, it will cost $10.70/month to keep the Freedom VPN service on after the 1st 12 months is over. This is great news for folks who have liked ViewQwest’s VPN service but not the company’s more costly broadband offerings.
Note that Freedom VPN will only work with Viewqwest TV if you’re not a Viewqwest broadband subscriber.
Traditionally, 3rd party VPN services are required to access blocked content from sites like Netflix, BBC’s iPlayer, Hulu Plus and DramaFever. The problem with this method is that you’re subject to both the quality of your VPN service, and the quality of your current internet service provider.
With Freedom VPN and Viewqwest TV 4K, you’ll be able to use Viewqwest’s no compromise infrastructure to stream your favourite online content even if you don’t already have a gigabit broadband subscription with Viewqwest.
Also, unlike other media boxes and VPN services, Viewqwest TV 4K requires little to no settings, making it extremely easy to use out of the box.
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Reference: Viewqwest Blog, Techgoondu