Re: Vivian Balakrishnan’s Political Suicide vs Demographic Extinction

I agree. It’s a long term problem.
In all honesty, I can sorta see what you guys are trying to do. While we have to endure the antics of the PRCs for now, their kids (the few who stay anyway) will ultimately become a true blue Singaporean, as is the case with many foreigners.
The problem is, what happens then? While this is a medium term solution to a long term problem, you have 2 issues:
1. The fundamental problem of fewer babies supporting the aged isn’t solved
2. We’re gambling our future by racing towards the further demise of our already limited natural resource (land)
The issue is not that we don’t want foreigners, but we don’t want too much, too cheap (quality imports please) and too fast.
Then, with problem 1 not solved, because you have more people aging (thanks to this policy), you will be forced to import more foreigners again, turning this into a vicious cycle.
Let’s be honest – PAP did cock-up infrastructure planning when they decided to go ahead with the mass import of foreign talent. Public services that were performing brilliantly are now being pushed to the brink. On top of the worldwide inflation due to the use of fiat currencies, the PAP’s lack of foresight has further artificially inflated the costs of living here.
And this is only the beginning.
Can you imagine how this is going to be like in the future when you guys ultimately realise that the only way to maintain the artificially inflated population with the targets you guys have set is to import even more foreigners? Like I said. Vicious cycle. When is it going to stop?
What this is, is a short term ‘stop-gap’ solution, a game of population ponzi, nothing more.