Of Self, Savings and CPF

Good Question.
The thing is this: we all can't be bothered to learn how to manage money ourselves, so we push the responsibility to others, like banks and the government.
And then we blame them when they fail us?
Not saying that we shouldn't outsource, just that we should do it not out of ignorance, but with knowledge and wisdom.
My dear friends….things can and will only get worst.
The only real fix to the real financial problems is to let it happen: for all countries to default, to reset the whole system.
But that means that there will be years of upheavals, pain and suffering for everyone.
Guess what…nobody wants that eh? So welcome to the world of temporary fixes.
For government to stay in power and for the everyday people like us to keep our relatively comfortable way of life, we'll tax our future. We'll push our financial burdens so that our kids will pay for them.
Oh and btw, central banks take inflation as a sign of progress. PROGRESS. So don't expect inflation to fall anytime soon.
Learn the ways of money, or suffer.