Minister Khaw Boon Wan – TOLONG LAH.

I mean. Really. Wow.
First, he asked awhile back – Should the HDB build to meet sophisticated tastes or go back to basics?
When I heard that, I was very, very angry. Why? Because this question shouldn’t even exist.
Housing Development Board’s *PRIMARY* Purpose
What is the HDB’s primary purpose? Its primary purpose is to create affordable housing for all Singaporeans. That’s it.
Yes. Singapore has prospered. Yes. Singaporeans’ tastes has grown more sophisticated as a result. Yes. It’s possible to cater to that growing aspect – but that’s secondary to its primary purpose of creating housing that’s affordable for all Singaporeans.
In case you didn’t already know, there are already projects that cater to the growing sophisticated tastes of Singaporeans. These are called ‘Condominiums’. There are expensive condominiums for those who can afford it. There are affordable condominiums for those who prefer to pay less for their sophistication. If the current supply of affordable condominiums are still not affordable enough, then either the potential buyers ought to wake up and face reality, or someone will start making even more affordable condominiums (as long as HDB doesn’t abuse their position to grab affordable land of course).
So. “Should the HDB build to meet sophisticated tastes or go back to basics?”
The right answer – Stop asking stupid questions. Do what you’re supposed to do.
Government Sanctioned Discrimination
Then the same guy recently said that they are “ to idea of housing foreign workers at offshore islands”.
You know, I thought that the PAP rhetoric was that a lot of the criticism that’s been leveled against their immigration policies were ‘xenophobic’, and yet here they are, giving in to the extremist xenophobic minority of Singapore. A comment I read on’s facebook page said it best – this is the very definition of xenophobia.
Minister Khaw Boon Wan. Tolong lah.
And dear PAP. Tolong lah. Let me spell out what we Singaporeans want for you so that you won’t use the excuse that we’re xenophobic to turn a deaf ear on us ok?
You guys receive pay that’s supposed to represent what best CEOs in the private sector get.
At least pretend to be as good as them, Tolong!