Diner En Blanc, Discriminating? Really?

It seems like most people have the sense that the folks of Diner en Blanc are discriminating against local cuisine.
Comeon guys. Stop it. Don't follow the foot steps of the useless PR company (lol…PR company) that started this whole debacle.
Alright, let's open our minds a little more (and piss more sensitive people off in the process..heh): NDP 2012. Someone puts up a chinese flag and we promptly lambasted that moron, using it to reinforce how PRCs disrespect local culture wherever they go.
Are we discriminating against the Chinese?
So, are the folks are Diner en Blanc really discriminating against local cuisine?
Are 'Ladies Only' spas discriminating against men?
Is 'Over 18 only' discrimination against younger folk?
Is the process of wine tasting discrimination against 'cheaper' drinks like beer?
Funny thing is, people are rallying to Daniel's call, that "You do not dictate to bloggers which posts to put up, which posts not to; invite us, then uninvite us. You do not own us; Neither do you own the Internet."
And yet here everyone is, dictating how Diner en Blanc should run their event.
Roflol, the freakin irony.
If you organise a 'ABC School Alumnus' only dinner, I sure as hell ain't gonna tell you to stop discriminating against the rest of the schools, that you should invite the alumnus from all the other schools as well.
Right then. We wouldn't want anybody talking about someone else bringing or doing something 'innapproriate' anymore, because that's just discriminating, eh?
PS – See that happens when bad PR happens? They should just fire the said 'company', great job they're doing.
Update 30/8/12
As I expected, it was the local organisers who misinterpreted the essence of Diner en Blanc. Not forgetting the useless PR company of course.
Check out this article: http://www.soshiok.com/article/20340
Ironically, it's related to how jammy thinks about me (his comments below). It's the organisers who are suaku, thinking that Diner en Blanc is meant to be an 'atas' event because of its exclusivity, when really, it's just meant to be a 'private' event.
It's not white because it's tradition, a play on the method used by the founders to recognise each other when they organised their first meet. The food is meant to be prepared thoughtfully, as explained in my previous post, not to discriminate against local food, but to prevent cheapskates from taking advantage of the event.
So in the end, just like people who are 'new money', who think they're big shots just because they bought a condo, it was 'new foodie' Singaporeans discriminating against Singaporean food. ROFLOL!