Pissed at Singtel’s Mio/exStream Internet Services? You’re not alone.
I'm actually quite fortunate. I was one of the first few users in Singapore to use SCV's cable internet when it first came out. ... -
PAP Doesn’t Want More University Graduates – Bullshit
Oh. My. God. What a blatant and malicious misrepresentation of facts! Polytechnics ARE meant to prepare a person for employment, not further University studies. ... -
Dear Rosario Garcia Tenerio (Filipino Insults Singaporeans)
Dear Rosario Garcia Tenerio, You know, I was about to say, wtf, support Singaporean just because we're also Singaporean? Isn't that pinoy entitled to ... -
I’ve had it with Pink Slime’s Bullshit
I've had enough of the pink slime bullshit. I bet 8 out of 10 of the people out there who go 'eeewwwww sllliimmee!!' don't ... -
The Singapore Car Conundrum
I find it very amusing when locals complain about the costs of owning a car. The fantastic government cashflow machine that is the COE ... -
Mass Effect 3 Ending – Why I Feel the it’s ‘Epic – Poetic’
The Mass Effect 3 Ending. Oh boy. *Spoiler Alert* Hey guys, Just completed the game a few weeks ago. Like many of you, I ... -
Singaporeans Prefers Slave Labour, Government Disagrees
Straits Times 5th March 2012: Weekly rest day for maids to become mandatory from 2013 I got a shock when I read this article. I'm ... -
Sun Xu’s Dogs + Singaporean Farts
So. A National University of Singapore (NUS) PRC Scholar posted a comment which basically said that 'there are more dogs than humans in Singapore'. ...