Author: aaron loy
Diner En Blanc, Tachée?
Ahh…. a tale of poor communication and misunderstandings? So, a blogger was invited to Dinner En Blanc, an invite-only event where people are required to bring ... -
Replace Singtel Extreme’s 2Wire 5012NV Modem – Method 2
So, this is the 2nd way to replace Singtel's 2Wire 5012NV Modem while maintaining the use of your Mio TV and Mio Voice services. Again, please ... -
3 Ways to Replace Singtel Extreme’s 2Wire Router
As most of you already know, Singtel’s packaged 2wire routers aren’t exactly what you’d call ‘good’. Because of this shitty device, I’ve had to endure a ... -
Gangnam Style English Lyrics + Pronunciation
Source: Related: WTH Does Gangnam Style Mean? English Translation: Oppa is Gangnam style Gangnam style A girl who is warm and humanly* during the ... -
What Does Gangnam Style Mean?
Ok. Never thought I’d be posting something like this when I put up the ‘Music’ category, but oh well, Gangnam damn addictive eh? I know some ... -
Pissed at Singtel’s Mio/exStream Internet Services? You’re not alone.
I'm actually quite fortunate. I was one of the first few users in Singapore to use SCV's cable internet when it first came out. While generally ... -
How Pain Will Set You Free
What Science Can Teach Us About Practice (Meditation) What's interesting about this talk is that it, for those of us who are not already learning about ... -
Fat Lady – Wrong Century, Kučerovský Thomas
Now, I believe that you should be confidant enough to know who and what you are, but that doesn't mean it's a good excuse to stay ... -
“Kinetic Rain” Now, at Changi Airport Terminal 1
There's a new art installation at Terminal 1 that's going to be awesome! When I first saw it (somewhere, can't remember), I thought it was just ... -
PAP Doesn’t Want More University Graduates – Bullshit
Oh. My. God. What a blatant and malicious misrepresentation of facts! Polytechnics ARE meant to prepare a person for employment, not further University studies. That's why ... -
Higgs Boson Discovery, Dark Matter Bridge Observed, What a Start to July 2012!
What a fantastic start for July 2012! First you have the 5 Sigma confirmation for the elusive 'Higgs Boson' aka 'God Particle', a label that most ...