Author: aaron loy
Singapore Haze – DIY Air Filter Ideas
Seeing how the haze is not going away anytime soon and how my family and I aren’t going to spend money on getting a proper commercially ... -
Socially Awkward Singaporean Gahment (& Gang)
Sorry. Had a burst of creativity. To be fair, some of it is a little bit of an exaggeration. The sad part is, even if that’s ... -
So, I Got Enlightened by Pikachu Today…
So, I went onto the internet today and I found some new insight about pikachu… -
Prof. Kishore Mahbubani – Let’s Balance It Out, Shall We?
I refer to Prof. Kishore Mahbubani’s claim about the lack of balanced criticism. He says, They are very quick to criticise but there is no attempt ... -
Singaporeans’ New Obsession – Gang Rape ft. MP Zainudin Nordin
I guess this is what happens when one is unable to understand something and then proceeds to take it out of context. Recently, MP Zainudin Nordin ... -
iHerb Singapore Shipping and Delivery Options
iHerb’s gaining popularity in Singapore (and other countries around the world) as the go-to place for branded, high quality supplements that are affordable. Before you run ... -
Faith in Singaporeans Lost.
Well. Apparently there are people who really think they are worst off. We’re Doomed. -
Soundbars With No HDMI Inputs – A Compromise?
I believe by now, most people would have realised that the sound coming out from most TV speakers are, to put it nicely, pointless. Soundbars have ... -
Minister Khaw Boon Wan – TOLONG LAH.
Wow. I mean. Really. Wow. First, he asked awhile back – Should the HDB build to meet sophisticated tastes or go back to basics? When I heard ... -
My First Ever Youtube Video – Let’s Play XCOM Enemy Unknown!
What’s a Let’s Play? I believe it started out as a forum posting sort of thing, where people get to participate as a game is being ...