3 Reasons Why 4K Laptops for Gaming are F****** Stupid

1. Most People Can’t Tell the Difference
I used to sell electronics, including laptops, cameras and TVs.
In my experience, most people can’t tell the difference between 1080 and 720 on screens that are 40″ and below. That’s why I laugh every time I hear fandroids arguing over with phone has higher pixel density and the need for 1080p display on a 5″ screen. Here’s the best part – many of these people then proceed to play low resolution video files and stick cheap quality degrading screen protectors on their state-of-the-art xxED screens.
But, I digress.
My point is, the difference between 1080 and 4k is obvious only on screens that are, like, 50″ and above. And yet, the largest gaming centric laptops are, what, 17″, with the most popular ones being 15.6″ because of its balance between portability and size? Then, now that you have 4 times more pixels, ALL your windows, icons, etc is going to become much smaller, and they’ll be really blurry when you magnify them, until windows puts out an update for it.
2. A Laptop’s Gaming Performance is Compromised
If you’re reading this, you’re most likely a gamer, which probably means you already know this: Laptop graphic cards are performance-compromised versions of their desktop equivalents.
In other words, a Geforce GTX 9999m (‘m’ denotes ‘mobile) is not as powerful as a Geforce GTX 9999 that’s used in desktops.
Which brings me to point 3:
3. More ‘K’s = More Pixels to Render = More Processing Power Required
4K is 4x the resolution of 1080 yes? So, with just one move, you’ve just cut the processing power of your already performance compromised mobile GPU to 1/4 of its potential.
Ok, those of you who’re technically savvy might argue that the math is not entirely accurate, and I’ll differ to you, but you get my point.
Why? Why would you cut your legs off at the knee? Even IF you’ve the money to spare, you’ll buy a laptop, expecting performance, and then you’ll either run your games at 4k with minimised graphic settings, or at higher settings but at a lower resolution. This is even more ridiculous when you consider that many games can’t run with their settings maxed out on desktops.
Hey. I’ve no issue with early adoption of new stuff. I ‘kinda’ an early adopter myself, but really, it needs to be for products that makes sense, you know, things like a large 55+” 4k TV and Tesla electric cars. One brings large screen home movie viewing to a whole new level while the other is laying the ground work for main stream, high quality electric cars for the masses.
So, 4k Laptops? If it’s for movie viewing, work and photo/video editing then fine, you know, it still makes sense, but for gaming? No. It’s stupid, you’re paying for something you don’t need and you’re shooting yourself in the foot when it comes to maximising gaming performance on a laptop.
In 1 or 2 years maybe, when graphic cards are designed with 4k resolutions in mind, but now? Right now, it’s still just another reason for manufacturers to create a ‘premiumer’ model so that they can charge you more for it.
That said, the ad for the new Lenovo Y50 with Rotterdam and Melonie Mac is hilarious lol, check it out: